
Every woman in this room is working towards occupying less of it. Thin is delicate. Delicate is fragile. Fragile is feminine.

Pack your bags. Leave.

You might call me impractical, but I’m saying run. Leave, I’m begging you to pack as little you can, buy whatever ticket you find and fly. Do it now before he hurts you, before this job consumes you, before your parents constantly need you.

Blue and Yellow

You’re a constant itch at the back of my throat, an upcoming deadline, an uneasy feeling, a child that needs care, a parent refusing to go to bed till you get home. My wandering mind always finds its way back to you. But I do not complain, rather this than nothing. I swear I know people who sleep next to each other less in love, sweetheart.  I’ve been one of those people.

A Fallen King

Then run out and scream of how I destroyed you. How I was turning you into a monster but you set yourself free. Bleed a little so everyone offers first aid. Cry and make sure they cry with you. And when they do carry you down the streets, declare you a hero, you will feel no pride. finally hear my voice “I asked for you to do this, I wanted for this to happen.”

24 hours after

24 hours after passing out in a puddle of my own blood, I found my father kneeling on the floor of my room. He stared at the spot where they found me and blamed himself for everything. As if every awful thing that ever hurt me somehow began from his doing.

Collisions and Explosions.

It doesn’t need sugar-coating, it’s animalistic, not meant to be perfect. Breathe heavy, sweat. You are two bodies in their most natural form. This is where you can truly be you, so be clumsy, make mistakes, get rid of any expectations, lose your self-respect. Fall, bump your head against the wall, go for her lips and miss

A morning in the life of Shyla

I walk into class. By now I have already got into a complicated relationship with Channing Tatum, got to college looking like I’m having a pre-midlife crises , contemplated monogamy due to a cab driver, tried to solve my crushing emotional problems with caffeine, disappointed my Nani, felt a slight satisfaction in his desperation and climbed four flights of stairs.

When I close my eyes

You haven’t changed a bit, I think to myself, you’re still the 20-year-old kid I fell in love with whereas I’m a 65-year-old grandmother full of wrinkles. You smile and ask me if I picked up food for you on the way home. I try to explain to you that I didn’t know I was coming to see you today, death doesn’t come with a phone call