How it was sweet

I wake up. It’s a new day, I walk to the kitchen and among all the bustle, make myself coffee. I know when I start living by myself, this won’t be as simple. In an empty apartment, the coffee grinder will become my morning kiss. So I continue pouring as I take in the noise….

The duality of help.

“Mom, can I see?” The kid asked her mother. I wasn’t so sure if it was a good idea. Kids are delicate things. “Yeah sure” the mother said with zero hesitation and picked her daughter up. It wasn’t the best sight to see. That’s the most polite way to put it. On a table in…

As long as someone is listening.

  They played music belonging to other men, from other countries, continents and some would argue, worlds. They played in hope to make it their own, in hope to make it big someday. A man from the crowd went on his knees and put his hands up in the air out of appreciation. But does…