Blue and Yellow

You’re a constant itch at the back of my throat, an upcoming deadline, an uneasy feeling, a child that needs care, a parent refusing to go to bed till you get home. My wandering mind always finds its way back to you. But I do not complain, rather this than nothing. I swear I know people who sleep next to each other less in love, sweetheart.  I’ve been one of those people.

How it was sweet

I wake up. It’s a new day, I walk to the kitchen and among all the bustle, make myself coffee. I know when I start living by myself, this won’t be as simple. In an empty apartment, the coffee grinder will become my morning kiss. So I continue pouring as I take in the noise….

A morning in the life of Shyla

I walk into class. By now I have already got into a complicated relationship with Channing Tatum, got to college looking like I’m having a pre-midlife crises , contemplated monogamy due to a cab driver, tried to solve my crushing emotional problems with caffeine, disappointed my Nani, felt a slight satisfaction in his desperation and climbed four flights of stairs.

Garbage, the story teller.

A garbage dump is hardly what classifies as inspiration. But as I walked home, I stopped to stare at the neighbourhood heap. Amongst the foul smell, icky ground and a loads of flies buzzing in my ears; I found stories.