The memory of you

In a city far away from home, in a room I don’t live in anymore, there is a cupboard with a drawer filled with your promises that I left behind. The homeless man outside our window, always high on acid constantly trips in a loop. Ask him and he’ll tell you its an image of you making me leave and me begging you not to do this.

Pack your bags. Leave.

You might call me impractical, but I’m saying run. Leave, I’m begging you to pack as little you can, buy whatever ticket you find and fly. Do it now before he hurts you, before this job consumes you, before your parents constantly need you.

A Fallen King

Then run out and scream of how I destroyed you. How I was turning you into a monster but you set yourself free. Bleed a little so everyone offers first aid. Cry and make sure they cry with you. And when they do carry you down the streets, declare you a hero, you will feel no pride. finally hear my voice “I asked for you to do this, I wanted for this to happen.”

Some Other Time

I tell him I’ve been looking for him for years now. That my search for him has taken me to empty narrow streets, big bright cities, foreign countries, then hell and back.  That ever since he left me, I’ve looked on top of the tallest mountains and dug the depths of my soul searching.

A phone call away

Well then, here’s to us, here’s to bonds that don’t need years to back them up or too many moments to make special. 
 To watching you become the best version of yourself. Growing up to be this unstoppable woman. 

What does your journey home cost you?

Think about it, we all say people are complicated but the heart needs something as simple as someone looking forward to your arrival. And isn’t home perpetually waiting for you to come back?

To fall in love with someone whose eyes you’ve never looked into?

hey told us we were fools, because we were. What did we know about each other? Nothing! And sometimes I felt like that was the best part. We started from scratch and discovered every detail of our personalities. Right down to why you chose to be vegetarian. Why you chose to make that mistake.

Tell the wolves I’m home

When the flights taking off, I look out of the window and bid Bangalore farewell. I silently thank it for all that its taught me till date. I love that city. I love the people, the places, the pubs, the restaurants, the freedom, the shopping, the walking and the person it’s made me. There are many things you are Bangalore, but you aren’t home. You aren’t Nagpur.